Minggu, 24 Juli 2011


This assignment goes to those whose weekly esercise less than 75%. The participant are kindly allowed to complete the assignment within given period of time. Any assignment of 'Interpretating' goes to 'Structured Assignment'. So no repitation on this assignment.

The following names are the participant whose weekly assignment (on translation) less than 75%.

1. Nur Santi
2. Desi Marsida
3. Dewanti Mentari
4. Winta Sartika
5. Endang Sutia
6. Frengky Hadi
7. Indah Susilawati
8. Manya Elivia
9. Julki Rida Piraswika
10. Novi Kartika
11. Mahendra
12. Romi Wilson
13. Heni Lestari



Transcript of Interview by Sergei Martynov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, to Reuters Agency
Sergei Nikolaevich, quite a number of different opinions are being voiced now that, after successful talks with Russia, Belarus may reject its attempts, its willingness to arrange a dialogue with the West. How valid are these assumptions?

1. Sergei Martynov:
First of all, I would like to say that the foreign policy of Belarus and its main vectors are not of an opportunistic nature and are not a weathercock.
Secondly, I would like to underline that it is wrong to contrast Russia with the European Union as vectors of foreign policy of Belarus. Figuratively speaking, the choice between Russia and the European Union is a myth which does not exist: there is no such choice and there should not be any. Belarus has two most powerful neighbors. It is not the choice of Belarus; this is the choice, if I may put it this way, of geography, economy, history. Each of these neighbors is fundamentally important to us. Russia is our indisputable and main strategic partner, and the official visit of President of Russia Vladimir Putin that took place the other day has most vividly proved it. No one doubts that both Belarus and Russia will continue the course of the most profound and priority strategic partnership. At the same time, the European Union continues to remain for us what it used to be: it is the community which has become our main export partner, we share the most extensive border with the European Union, we have to settle a number of problems jointly with the European Union, which are the matter of equal and important interest for both of us. These are the issues of stability of energy transit, security of strategic infrastructure. By the way, following the proposal by Belarus a special decision on the subject has recently been approved at the OSCE ministerial meeting. These are issues of transit, customs clearance, ecology, migration, crime, in other words, there are a lot of joint subjects and their importance is not diminishing, but growing. Therefore, Belarus, as before, intends to continue the course to develop and intensify the dialogue with the European Union to the extent where our partners will be ready to go.
Priorities in the foreign policy of Belarus are not changing, they are not opportunistic.

Many assumptions have been also voiced regarding the meeting between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, starting with that Belarus will allegedly repay Russia for energy supplies with its property, and finishing with that it will repay for the loan with its sovereignty. What is the real situation?

2. Sergei Martynov:
Such comments come from not very-well qualified interpreters of developments – it is another kind of a myth. The issues of any repayment, concessions were not even discussed during the talks between the heads of state. Belarus will repay for the loan as it is envisaged by its conditions, namely: precisely in time and precisely in accordance with the loan agreement – that is all about the payback.
In fact, the talks were not at all about concessions by Belarus and not about concessions by Russia, but, above all and primarily, about the confirmation of a profound and strategic nature of the relations between Belarus and Russia. The official visit of the head of the Russian Federation, and holding of the Supreme State Council meeting here on the threshold of presidential elections in Russia is nothing but the most serious political confirmation of the seriousness of intentions of the two states with respect to one another and of the importance of their relations for each of the partners. This was the core of the talks. If you read carefully the joint communiqué by the two presidents signed following the official visit, you will see the core of the talks. No hidden backstage diplomacy or deals had been foreseen and there were none.

Over the last year Belarus, I would say, has actively been trying to arrange the dialogue with the European Union, which had not been done during previous years. Some EU countries or some EU officials noticed that Belarus had made some positive steps in this direction. But, nevertheless, the EU says that Belarus has not met all conditions of democratization and that Belarus is not ready for a dialogue with the EU. How fair is this to your point of view, and should Belarus or will Belarus make any more steps, or will it wait for steps taken by the EU?

3. Sergei Martynov:
To my point of view, the logic of the argumentation you just mentioned is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, a dialogue between partners may not be based on preconditions; otherwise this dialogue will fail altogether, or will not be effective. Secondly, as I have already said, spheres in which we offer, I would like to underline the word “offer”, cooperation with the EU – are the spheres of mutual interest. Within these relations, we are not begging anything for ourselves, for Belarus. We offer cooperation in the areas which are of mutual interest, and the areas where there is an absolutely evident mutual benefit, and I have mentioned these areas – areas which, in principle, could be further expanded. Yes, we make no secret that Belarus is interested in deepening the relations with the EU. It is evident for the reasons of geography, economy, history; I have already talked about them. Yes, we are making efforts to have this dialogue fruitful. And you know that the dialogue has already been set in or is setting in on a number of just that kind of directions: energy, transport, transit, customs clearance, environment, etc. Therefore, logic of preconditions is the logic which may be hardly linked with reality and prospects for the future.

Please submit the assignment directly to me on Thursday July 28, 2011 at 10.00 am or post to my e-mail daffodil.art@gmail.com before Thursday July 28, 2011. Any assignment out of given date are not entertained. Thanks

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