Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Nilai Semester Reading II Semester II. C

Nilai Akhir Semester MTK Reading II Semester II. C

Scala 80-100

632, 629

Scala 70-79

618, 622, 623, 625, 626, 627, 631, 634, 635, 637.

Scala 60-69

616, 620, 624.

Scala 50-59


BL (Tidak mengikuti MID TEST)

1. RomiPutra

2. Yayan Hendrawan

3. Ana Yuliati

Bagi yg dinyatakan BL agar mengikuti ujian susulan pada hari sabtu 30 Juni 2012 jam 11.30. Segala urusan perbaikan nilai BL setelah tgl tersebut tidak dilayani.

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

For Stanslation Class.

I'll take the story from home, thanks

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Translation Assignment site

PLease browse the following website to find some more stories.


Example of Simple Stories #Olivians

What goes around comes around

One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was those chills which only fear can put in you. He said, “I’m here to help you, ma’am. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.”

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.
As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn’t thank him enough for coming to her aid.

Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.
He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, “And think of me.”
He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn’t erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: “You don’t owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.”
Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard….
She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, “Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”

Author: Unknown

Military Story: The Marine’s Father

A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside.
“Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened.
Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.
The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man’s hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile.
He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital – the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients.
Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.
Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.
Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her.
“Who was that man?” he asked.
The nurse was startled, “He was your father,” she answered.
“No, he wasn’t,” the Marine replied.
“I never saw him before in my life.”
“Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”
“I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn’t here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.”

Author Unknown

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012



Subject : Translation
Credit : 2
Department : English
Program : English Language Education
Semester : IV

This course is designed to introduce the theory of translation that covers definitions of translation according to some world translation experts, kinds of translations, translation methods, translation procedures, translation techniques, and translation problems linguistically and stylistically.


At the end of the course, students are expected to:
1. Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of the translation principles.
2. Develop their skills in translating narrative, descriptive, expository texts, metaphoric and idiomatic expressions, gain insights into the problems in the translation process.
3. Obtain some practical methods, procedures, and techniques used to deal with the problems in translating.


Attendances : 10%
Assignments : 20%
Mid Test : 30%
Final Test : 40%

1. Introduction to The course
2. Definition of translation
3. Kinds of translation
4. Literal Translation
5. Translation exercise I
6. Translation method (Word-for-word and Semantic)
7. Translation methods (Adaptation and Communicative)
9. Translation procedures (Transposition, Modulation, Naturalization)
10. Translation Procedures (Contextual conditioning, Footnotes conditioning)
11. Translation exercise II
12. Translation Techniques (Literal Translation, and generalization)
13. Translation Problems (Errors and mistake in translation)
14. Linguistic problems in translation (Grammatical and lexical Category)
15. Stylistic Problem in Translation (Metaphorical Utterances)

Bell, R.T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London: Longman Group UK Limited.
Choliludin. 2006. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Bekasi: VISIPRO Divisi dari Kesaint Blanc.
And all relevant books

No Assignment Submission Time
1. Translating simple stories (Eng-Ind) Third Meeting
2. Translating an Essay (Eng-Ind) Fifth Meeting
3. Translating an Article (Eng-Ind) Eight Meeting
4. Translating simple stories (Ind- Eng) Tenth Meeting
5. Translating Essay (Ind-Eng) Thirteen Meeting
6. Translating Article (Ind-Eng) Last Meeting

Mobile : 081371383038
Email : Daffodil.art@Gmail.com
Web : Ladymarnia-marniati@blogspot.com (You can browse any information here)
Twitter : @LadyStarLights (#Olivians)

• Any core on each session is the subject of changing; it defends on the student’s development.
• The student and the class are required to be ON TIME.
• Any assignment must be submitted ON TIME (late assignments aren’t entertained)

Senin, 13 Februari 2012


1. Penilaian dilakukan secara objektif berdasarkan rata-rata dari tugas terstruktur, Mid-test dan Final Test.

2. Nilai yang telah diperoleh secara resmi tidak dapat diubah atau ditarik kembali kecuali dengan ketentuan atau mengikuti prosedur secara resmi dari pihak kampus.

Principle of Interpreting

Skala 80-100
368, 381

Skala 70-79
362, 363, 364, 366, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 382, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 397, 399,400,401, 08. 377. 08, 08. 374. 08, 08. 079. 08

Skala 60- 69
365, 378, 383, 388, 393, 396.

Mahasiswa yang dinyatakan BL.

1. Dasmaniar
2. Armadona
3. Deni Trisna
4. Rika Oktoberina
(BElum melengkapi tugas terstruktur)

1. Revi Silvia
2. Pitria Pitri
3. Irda Mailistina
4. Farma Wira
(Pengulangan Tugas Akhir semester)

Bagi yang dinyatakan BL hendaklah melengkapi komponen BL tersebut secara serentak pada hari Senin 20 Februari 2012 Jam 9.00 pagi.


Nilai akhir semester merupakan rata-rata dari tugas terstruktur, mid-test dan final test (Drama on Stage/ Penguasaan karakter, ekspesi dan dialoge).

Skala 80-100
368, 374, 375, 382, 390, 392, 401.

Skala 70-79
362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381, 383, 384, 386, 388, 389, 391, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400.


Skala 80-100


Nilai akhir semester merupakan rata-rata dari tugas terstruktur, mie-test dan final test.


Skala 80-100

Skala 70-79
403, 405, 409, 410, 412, 415, 419, 428, 430, 431, 434, 437, 440.

Skala 60-69
411, 416, 417, 418, 422, 423, 426, 438, 387.

Mahasiswa yang dinyatakan BL
1. Mawaddah Muajjir

Bagi yang dinyatakan BL hendaklah melengkapi komponen BL tersebut secara serentak pada hari Senin 20 Februari 2012 Jam 9.00 pagi.


Nilai akhir semester merupakan rata-rata dari tugas terstruktur, mid-test dan final test (Drama on Stage/ Penguasaan karakter, ekspesi dan dialoge).

Skala 80-100
448, 454, 457, 470, 476.

Skala 70-79
442, 446, 451, 452, 464, 465, 466, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475.

Skala 60-69
450, 477, 478.

Mahasiswa yang dinyatakan BL
1. Sandy Nayoan.
2. Fegi Gustian.

Bagi yang dinyatakan BL hendaklah melengkapi komponen BL tersebut secara serentak pada hari Senin 20 Februari 2012 Jam 9.00 pagi.


Nilai akhir semester merupakan rata-rata dari tugas terstruktur, mie-test dan final test.

Skala 80-100

Skala 70-79
442, 446, 449, 451, 452, 454, 457, 463, 464, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 478, 381, 376.

Skala 60-69.
450, 465, 467, 476, 477.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Tugas Interpreting bagi yg Belum Melengkapi tugas

Because I could not stop for Death
By Emily Dickinson

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.

We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.

1. What does the poet reflect about death?
2. What situation are reflected in the poems?

Support your answer by using quotation..

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012



Find out four stories about 150 words or one paragraph and make your point of view on each stories.

1. Make a paper of interpreting report that consist of;
A. Definition of Interpreting
B. kind of Interpreting
C. The differences of Translation and Interpretation

2. Find out a two pages of interview transcript of famous people then interprate it in Bahasa Indonesia.

Make a paper of English Literature that consist of;
A. Fiction that consist of;
-The Type of Fiction
-The Element of Fiction
-Famous Author of Fiction

B. Drama that consist of;
-Type of Drama
-The Element of Drama
-Famous Playwrights and masterpieces

C. Poetry
-Type of Poetry
-The Element of Poetry
-Famous Poets and their masterpieces

Find out three short articles of western culture such as wedding tradition, funeral tradition, greeting etc... then write down your point of view or critic on the tradition in form of Essay Writing (about 350 words or three complete paragraph of each article)

Assignment Format
1. Assignment must be well edited and well typed.
2. Assignment must be submitted on MONDAY 13, FEBRUARY 2012 AT 10.00 AM.